Yonsan Chair Professor Dong-Pyo Kim
Head, Center of for Intelligent Microprocess of Pharmaceutical Synthesis
  • Department of Chemical Engineering
  • POSTECH (Pohang University of Science and Technology)
  • Room # 304, Environmental Engineering Building
  • 77, Cheongam-ro, Nam‐gu, Pohang, Korea 790‐784
  • E-mail: dpkim@postech.ac.kr
  • Website: http://camc.postech.ac.kr
  • Tel: (82)-54-279-2272
  • Fax: (82)-54-279-5598

Education & Experience

2017. 6   – Present    Head, Center for Intelligent Microprocess of Pharmaceutical Synthesis
2012. 3   – Present    Professor, Pohang University of Science & Technology, Chem. Eng.
2008. 10 – 2017. 2   Head, Center of Applied Microfluidic Chemistry 
1995. 2   ‐ 2012. 2   Professor, Chungnam National University, Applied Chemistry 
1993. 9   ‐ 1995. 2   Senior Researcher, Korea Res. Inst. of Chem. Technology, Korea 
1991. 9   ‐ 1993. 8   Post-doctor, Univ. of Illinois at U ‐C, Materials. Science. & Engineering. 
1986. 8   ‐ 1991. 8   Temple University (Philadelphia), Ph.D./1991 Chemistry
1978. 2   ‐ 1985. 2   Sogang University (Seoul), B.A./1985 Chemistry

Visiting Scholar

Institute of Bioengineering at Cataluna, Spain (Dr. Sanchez, ’17, 9~’18, 2)
Max Planck at Stuttgart, Germany (Dr. Sanchez, ’15, 1~2)
Univ. of Lyon, France (Dr. P. Miele, ‘10. 6~7)
Univ. of Hull, UK (Dr. Haswell, ‘07. 1~2)
Univ. of Illinois at U-C, USA (Dr. Kenis, ‘02. 8~‘03. 8)
Darmstadt Univ., Germany (Dr. R. Riedel, ‘02. 1~ 2)
NIMC, Tskuba, Japan (Dr. Uchimaru, ‘00. 1~2)
Paris IV Univ., France (Dr. F. Babonneau, ‘98. 7~8)


2018 Mar.
Appointed as a Chair Professor of Yonsan (POSTECH)
2017 Sep.
Severo Ochoa Visiting Fellowship (IBEC, Spain)
2017 Apr.
Academic Excellence Award by Korean Chemical Society
2016 Dec.
The Postechian Scientist of the Year by POSTECH
2016 Oct.
The Scientist of the Month by National Research Foundation (NRF)
2014 Oct.
The year of Best 100 Scientific Achievement (Nation Research Fund)
2008 Dec.
Excellence Service in Project Evaluation (Korean Science & Engineering Fund)
2007 Oct.
The year of Best 100 Scientific Achievement (Korean Science & Engineering Fund)
2007 Apr.
The Year of Scientist (Deajeon City)
2005 Nov.
Best Researcher (Chungnam National Univ.)
1988 May.
Memorial Award for Prof. Daniel Swern (Temple Univ)

Academic Activity Group

종신회원: 한국화학공학회, 대한화학회, 한국공업화학회, 한국고분자학회, 한국세라믹학회
일반회원: 한국바이오칩, 마이크로나노시스템학회
해외: 미국화학회, 미국세라믹학회, 유렵재료학회, 일본세라믹학회
Editorial & Advisory Board: Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry (Elsevier),Journal of Analytical Science and Technology (Springer), Reaction Chemistry & Engineering (RSC), Reactions (MPDI)

International Network

POSTECH-日Kyoto대학-中 칭화대학 마이크로반응기술 학생심포지움: 매년초 교환개최
MOU체결 연구기관: 스페인 IBEC(2017), 스페인 ICIQ(2018)., 네덜란드 Eindhoven대학(2016) 독일 IMM연구소(2007), 스위스 DiagnoSwiss社(2007)
공동연구: 스페인 IBEC산체스교수(2017), 日교토대 요시다교수(‘16), 日오사카부립대 유일형교수(‘10) 英 Hull大('06,'07), 日물질공학연구소('02),) 獨 Darmstadt大('01), 佛파리IV大('99, '00), 美 Illinois大('96,'98,'02)

History of the Kim's Lab