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Drug Delivery System

Drug Loading(Releasing) & Nanomotor Based DDS

Preceramic Polymer

In general, the drug delivery system creates a mesoporous shell and then loads various drugs into it. This process is possible in the microfluidic system, and the created DDS moves to the target using a controler such as a magnet. The figure on the right is a Nanomotor based DDS. When using this method, the EPR (Enhanced Permeation & Retention) effect is superior due to direct penetration into diseased cells or tissues

In vitro DDS performance experiment


The picture above is a picture showing each organ chip. When we make several organ chips into one chip, we call this human on a chip. The chip can be used to observe the physiological phenomenon occurring in the human body. Considering the viscosity of the blood and Reynolds number, mimic the blood fluid and create a vascular mimic channel. When manufacturing these chips, the organ or cell network must be considered. Human on a chip replaces human clinical trials to minimize time consuming economic expenditure

A World-Top in Drug & DDS Manufacturing Process


The microreactor field is at the boundary of chemical, chemical engineering, and mechanical engineering. We aim to bring out the research results of Nature and Science level by integrating dynamic new technologies through academic exchanges with members of such fields and leading domestic and overseas groups. It also aims to dramatically enhance the global technological competitiveness of vulnerable domestic pharmaceutical companies. Through these goals and technologies, Drug & amp; We will secure the world's best competitiveness in DDS manufacturing process.